Friday, October 26, 2012

Recycling Broken Crayons

I hate being wasteful and as a child I remember loving rainbow crayons. The mystery of what colors would appear excited me for some reason.  So I gathered all of our melted (from being in the car) and broken crayons and peeled the paper off of them.

Then cut the crayons into small pieces that will fit into your choice of silicone ice cube tray/mold.  Then melt the crayons in the oven at 170 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes (once they were in there for 15 minuets I pushed any unmelted crayons floating on top into the liquid).

This is what the crayons looked like when they melted. I allowed them to cool for about 45 minutes and the popped them out of the mold.  

This is what the final product looked like! I plan on giving them to my nieces as a cute decoration on top of their wrapped Christmas gifts this season.  A free fun way to recycle what would other wise be thrown in the trash!

P.S. I bought the ice cube trays in the $1 section at Target earlier this year.

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