Monday, October 15, 2012

Beautiful Birthday Candles

Have you ever noticed that the candles you buy in the grocery store are never visually appealing and half of the time the numbers don't even match?  As a Type A person this drives me crazy so I found a solution for this issue that is a quick fix.

First buy some cheap candles and acrylic paint of your color choice

 See how boring these candles are? Definitely not "adult like" at all
 Paint your numbers acrylic paint works great (don't worry about having perfectly crisp lines).  Then take your nail or a knife and trace around the paint to ensure it looks like a crisp line. If you are an over ambitious person, or if you gash the candle accidentally you can always use a lighter to fix your error and smooth the candle
Sprinkle glitter if you want and your are finished and have amazing candles!

I bought the candles at my local grocery store and then took them home.  Since I already had acrylic paint at my house that was my paint of choice, although I am sure various types of paint would work fine for this project.  I simply got out a paint brush and brushed paint all the way to the outline of the coloring of the candles (since I wanted the contrast of the black and white).  I am not the best painter so painting both of the candles took me approximately 5 minutes and the line around the candle wasn't as sharp as I would have liked. I simply took my finger nail and went around the edge of the candle scraping the excess paint off of the candle until the line was crisp. Finally I sprinkled on a little glitter and then let the paint dry.  For $2 I had perfectly matching/themed candles!

 See how beautiful?

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