Tuesday, October 23, 2012

World's Best Banana Bread

When I bake banana bread the smell brings back memories from childhood and reminds me of my love for my husband, since it is one of his favorite sweet treats.  This is my mom's recipe (since almost everything I know how to cook my mom taught me) and it's a great way to salvage overly ripe bananas and make a bread you will make for years to come. I made this loaf with my two-year-old daughter and we had a lot of fun making memories as well as banana bread. 

 Here are the bananas we had to make banana bread.  They are perfectly overly ripened and will make an especially sweet bread!
The batter in a greased and floured pan...ready to go in the oven

An hour later: the world's greatest banana bread!

 2 eggs                                   1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup sugar                           2 cups sifted flour
½ cup softened butter         ½ teaspoon salt
3 (or 2) large bananas         ¾ cups pecans or walnuts

Directions:  Mix ingredients in this order: butter, eggs, baking soda, mashed bananas, sugar, flour, salt, and nuts (optional). Bake in greased and floured loaf pan at 350°F for 1hour. Let cool.  Cover quickly if you want a moist top and allow to fully cool before covering if you want a crispier crust.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of our family recipes that has always been a winner. I think we missed your party this week but we would love to add your parties to our list of regulars that we will be attending!You have a super cute blog with lots of great content! Thanks for stopping by! -Lacey & Amber


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