Monday, October 1, 2012

Trash Can Made Easy

I have one of those very nice stainless steel trashcans that have a plastic insert inside where you place the trash bag (I promise the insert isn't dirty, it's just old and been through a lot).  If you have a similar type of trash can you know it seems to get full after what only seems like a minute and then people (no names shall be mentioned) begin stuffing more trash in which then causes the most annoying problem: the trash bag forms a suction and makes it almost impossible to pull the bag out.

Since I refuse to fight the trash can this is my husband's sole official job in the house, but he's been traveling lately and has had to hear me frequently complain about this issue.  He surprised be by fixing the trash can suction issue without even telling me. I instantly noticed the difference in the ease of pulling the trash bag out.

The solution to fighting your trash bag? It's as simple as this:

Drill four or five holes in a line down one of the sides of the plastic container and your problem is solved! You will thank me for this tip I promise (and you are welcome).

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