Wednesday, September 26, 2012

$2.00 DIY Halloween Following Directions Activity

If you are a thrifty SLP like me, or a frugal parent, then you might be a frequenter of your local Dollar Tree like me. I picked up two bags of these Halloween rings to replenish my treasure box when I realized that they are the perfect manipulatives for many speech activities. They are fun in color and shape and there are lots of them!

So far, I have used them to target:
  • Temporal directions- Before you get two bat rings, get three spider rings.
  • Inclusion/Exclusion- Give me all of the spiders, except for the orange ones.
  • Prepositions- Put a group of spiders between the bats.
  • Quantity concepts- Which group has the least amount of skulls?
  • Sequence concepts- (Set out a line of rings) Point to the first orange ring and the last purple ring.

These also make the perfect items to slide onto a pencil. (You could also use a string and make a necklace.) This could be great for:

  • Reinforcers
  • Self monitoring articulation sounds (One color for success, another for fixing an error)
  • Following multiple step directions
  • Following sequence directions
When all your kiddos have gotten to enjoy your activities you can give them out as prizes!

1 comment:

  1. Hi I just found your website and wanted to thank you for your insight and ideas! I have the same bag of Halloween rings and was wondering what I could use these for (besides student prizes). Love your ideas and great website!


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