Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Cupcake Questions- Why Edition FREEBIE

I finally did it guys! I made my first freebie for Teachers Pay Teachers! I am so excited to share it with you guys. I really hope you like it. Here are some detailed pictures of my why question game for you. Go download it here now and leave me some feedback if you like it! (I hope you do!)

 I created 24 why questions that are all related to making or enjoying cupcakes. 
We know all our speech kiddos love those! 

I tired all of these questions with my speech students and they really helped to make 
them think deeper and to open up a dialogue. 

I tried to follow suit with other TPT sellers and provide you with some game ideas. There are so many ways you can adapt a card game, as we all know, and I also added some other elements below to mix things up. 

There is a cute board game here and some dice that you can make to change the game. 

There are a couple of other elements included so I won't spoil all the fun. I hope you dowload my first printable on TPT for free and enjoy it!



  1. Very cute! Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Hi, I'm Amanda, I'd like to know how to download the printable? Can I download it freely?


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